Thursday, September 4, 2014

Still in Istanbul

Day 4 Istanbul
Things I don't like about Turkey:

1. Public restrooms are hard to find and sometimes they charge you to use them.
2. You are not supposed to drink the tap water. It's been only a few days and I'm tired of paying for water.
3. No streets signs/easy to get lost...

4. The food hasn't been sitting well
5. You want an ice bucket challenge? Take a shower
6. They don't speak English and learning this language is pretty rough.
7. Everyone talks like a used car salesman and people try to cheat you.
8. You have to pay attention to what things cost and make sure you aren't over charged.
9. The cup size of coffee/tea is like you what you would give to a baby.
10. Did I mention I'm not really into the food?

We did stay at a cool Hostel though.  We met some really great people from all over the place.

Here is a conversation with a band member from American Authors.

Me: what's the name of your band?
Guitarist: American Authors
Me: cool. You guys on YouTube or anything?...
Guitarist: uh yeah, you should be able to find us.

*** They only have about 30 million YouTube hits on the song "Best Day of My Life".***

The band members were super modest and we talked to them for about 2 hours.  They are touring in Europe right now.

  Met a guy from near Amsterdam.  We'll nickname him "Stoner".  Stoner gave me some great hitchhiking advice as he has thrown out thumb from Amsterdam to Istanbul.

Day 5 Istanbul

We took the Ferry today and went from the Europe side to the Asian side of town.  Have I mentioned how massive this city is?  Spent a good 6 hours of our day just walking around somewhat lost and somewhat amazed at how spread out this place is.

Tanner is buying clothes because he still doesn't have his bag.  That's right, it's been 3 days and we are still waiting on it.  We went out to celebrate his birthday at least though!

Day 6 Istanbul

We met this girl we have nicknamed "Princess Warrior".  Here name is very similar to Zelda.  Hopefully you remember the Nintendo game "The Legend of Zelda".  She has offered to let us stay at her place.  So we left the hostel day 5 and now are crashing at her apartment.  She is very nice and hospitable!  I have been sick with a cold and she gave me medication.  I initially bought some medication on the street that a vender told me it was for colds.  Princess Warrior told me it was actually for low blood counts.  Ohhh nooo!!!

Day 7 Istanbul

Tanner finally got his luggage from the airport!!!  I smelled all day. Bad!  On Day 5 I washed my clothes then hung them in a closet.  They ended up getting mildew on them.  As I stood in crazy transportation all day, I saw other citizens look at me in disgust.  One guy smelled his shirt thinking it was him, then looked at me and turned away.  Princess Warrior wants to get a hose and spray me down.  It's been an up and down week but we are exciting about hitchhiking to Greece around Day 9.  :)


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